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​大海是水滴汇成的 Every dollar counts

您为康奈尔大学植物园胡适专款的捐赠是可以抵税的。最好是把支票写给 "Cornell Botanic Gardens", 备注"Hu Shih Bench", 交给我们的志愿者(以便我们入账),或者寄到

Cornell Botanic Gardens

Attn: Lynn Swain

124 Comstock Knoll Drive

Ithaca, NY 14850 USA

使用支票可以避免信用卡费用,使您的捐赠发挥最大作用。如果您在网上捐赠,为了保证捐款注入胡适专项,请注意一定要用"other"选项,并在备注栏中填写"Hu Shih Bench", 然后点击"continue"去填写付款页(请看图)。 

Your contribution goes to the Cornell University Botanic Gardens with the special designation to the Hu Shih Bench project.  Cornell University is a U.S. 501(c)(3) organization, so your donation is tax-deductible.  Please mail your check to 


Cornell Botanic Gardens

Attn: Lynn Swain

124 Comstock Knoll Drive

Ithaca, NY 14850 USA

In the memo line or accompanying note, please specify that the donation is for the Hu Shih Bench.  Any of our volunteers will be happy to pass your check to Cornell, too.  Checks sent through us allow us to do better bookkeeping. 

To give online,it is important that you complete the form as shown in the image, or your donation may not be credited to the project.  Please enter your donation amount in the "other" box and type "Hu Shih bench" in the "special instructions".  ​

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